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High specifications are laid down for bridge drainage systems because of the greater risks to traffic and the need to protect expensive infrastructure. Bridge drainage systems also have to match the special features of bridge construction such as reinforced concrete bridges, and special construction measures such as timed shifting when constructing large steel bridges.

ACO Bridge Drainage Solutions
Cast iron rain gutters for bridges

Product Overview :

Gullies and gully tops for bridge drainage and refurbishment up to load class D400

  • Gullies for reinforced concrete bridges System HSD-5 500 x 500 in cast iron up to load class D 400 according to DIN EN 124/ DIN 1229
  • Gullies for steel bridges, 260 x 500 up to load class D 400 in accordance with DIN EN 124 / DIN 1229
  • Cast iron gullies for gravel bridges

ACO Bridge Drain - Introduction

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HSD 2 - 300x500mm with vertical outlet

HSD 2 - 300x500mm with horizontal outlet

HSD 5 - 500x500mm with vertical outlet

HSD 5 - 500x500mm with horizontal outlet

Middle East References