Modern architecture trends clearly put high requirements for functionality of basement spaces. Real estate prices and return of investment rates imply that each square meter of the building should be used as effectively as possible. With the complexity of hotel projects, there are a variety of facilities situated in the basement levels - e.g. service rooms for the kitchen grease separators and lifting stations, staff offices or house-keeping equipment.
Irrespective of the use designated to the below ground area, there are a number of factors that can guarantee safe and cost-effective operation within the areas and protect the building as well as equipment and ensure constant operation of the facilities.
The most important prerequisite is reliable anti-flood protection. Climate change requires pioneering innovations to counteract extreme weather conditions. That includes systems that guarantee ultimate water tightness, back-flow prevention and energy saving.
In addition, ACO’s innovative solutions for basement areas can give a whole new purpose to the underground spaces. In addition to the innovative system solutions, ACO work side by side with architects and planners and to support reliable designs with extensive knowledge on trends, regulations and contemporary requirements, professional consulting, calculation software and statutory documentation.