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Saudi Arabia British Bank

ACO's contribution to the Saudi Arabia British Bank's new headquarters in Riyadh serves as a testament to the company's commitment to innovation, sophistication, and functionality.

The customized stainless-steel channels and gratings provided by ACO play a crucial role in redefining solutions for the space. Not only do they offer a touch of luxury with Gold and Bronze finishes in ablution areas, but they also demonstrate robustness through curved channels for external spaces.
This dual functionality aligns seamlessly with the bank's requirements for a secure yet inviting environment for its 2,800 employees, customers, and visitors.

The building is responsive to the hot desert climate and incorporates geometric patterns of deserts and dunes. The company's ability to merge functionality with aesthetic appeal has notably met the project's requirements but has set a new standard for modern, forward-thinking, mixed-use spaces in the heart of Riyadh
