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The monoblock system ACO Monoblock RD is distinguished by its exceptional durability. The ACO Monoblock RD system is designed for load classes up to F900 according to DIN EN 1433. In addition to excellent resistance, the V-shaped channel section guarantees optimum hydraulic capacity and increased self-cleaning effect.

ACO Monoblock RD
Heavy duty monolithic drainage system

Product Overview :

  • Monolithic structure for stability, even in extreme conditions
  • No loose parts, resistant to attempted theft
  • Suitable for heavy loads
  • Color option: natural colored or black anthracite colored, according to the overall vision of the project
  • Load class A15 to F900, according DIN EN 1433

Areas of use

  • Expressway
  • Logistics centers
  • Ports

ACO Monoblock installation

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Middle East References